"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
I really like this quote because I believe it to be completely true.
It isn't how tough a person acts, but how tough he or she truly is.
For example, my mom, sister, and I didn't think we would be
strong and be able to endure such pain. However, we have proved
ourselves wrong. Yes, there are awful days when you just want to
sit in a corner and disappear, but overall I think we have done pretty
well with the tragedy placed before us. Another example that I think
about when I read this quote is when someone has cancer. You always
here about young children fighting and beating cancer. While I forty year
old man dies of it. Again it is not what you look like you can handle, it
is what you put your mind to that determines what you can handle.